Deb M. Smith, Broker/Realtor
License no. 471.019811
All jobs are sales jobs. No matter what one does for a living, we are all sales people. If you can help someone get what they want, then you know what it’s like to be a salesperson. Selling real estate has its’ own inherent challenges and it’s not for the faint of heart!
I began my real estate career in the late 70’s when the interest rates were in the high double digits. I earned my Graduate Realtor Institute designation at that time by participating in ongoing education and passing multiple exams. Being creative was a vital requirement, but I managed to sell a million dollars during my first year. At that time, the average sale in the county was just about $50,000.00. A big difference from today!
It is my goal to help sellers achieve the most amount of money for their properties in the least amount of time with the least amount of frustration. Additionally, I focus on helping the buyer find the right home for the right money! Simply speaking; this is exactly what I do and love doing it. But, the reality is that there is much time spent on research and market analysis for both buyer and seller. While I don’t choose lenders or vendors that are secondary to the transaction, I do facilitate each step along the way. Nobody likes stress and I work diligently to minimize that through the entire buying and selling process.
Over the years, children and marriage took me different places in the country where I practiced mortgage lending, loan processing and assisted on a limited basis in mortgage underwriting. In Kansas I took a defunct mortgage department in a local bank from zero to $1,000,000.00 in monthly production in under a year. This varied background gives me unique insight to the process today.
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